George W Bush’s invasion of Iraq was illegal. Over a million human beings died as a result of that war and its aftermath. Millions wounded. Millions displaced.
As many here said at the time it was a War Crime. George W Bush should be arrested and tried for war crimes. And he should! Along with Cheney, Rumsfeld and others.
x YouTube VideoHillary Clinton supported and voted for that illegal pre-emptive Iraq War.
That makes her unfit to be Commander in Chief.
To this day she has not even apologized for that or the millions dead, wounded and displaced. She admits it was a “mistake” because, well, I guess because it means she may never get to be President for exercising such “poor judgement.”
x YouTube VideoIf the Democratic party nominates Hillary we lose standing to criticize George W Bush, Dick Cheney, et al over those war crimes because Hillary voted for and endorsed it.
Don’t let George W Bush off the hook. Nominate Bernie.